Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 will soon be heading out the door.
It's been a crazy busy year! Recap:
I changed locations of work
I traveled to Cali 2x and to New York/ east haven.
I was a moh in my friend wedding
I ran 6 or 7? half this year
Boyfriend bought a house
I met some awesome people
I signed up for a full marathon:

As 2013 is closing. Here's my 2014 goals:
Run 1-2 full (26.2) marathons.
Run a few halves again.
Maybe do rainier to Ruston race again
Workout at the gym to get a toner body
Travel to new places.
Look into schools.
Get another tattoo.
Run 800 miles.

Happy new year friends! Maybe 2014 I will blog more.